Derniers sujets
» English corner: How toxic are PUFA’s?par Luc Sam 14 Sep 2024 - 12:04
» Infos santé. Divers SCE 2
par Luc Lun 9 Sep 2024 - 9:53
» Les Oméga-3 sont-ils vraiment essentiels ?
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» Blagues et Funny clips 13
par Luc Dim 1 Sep 2024 - 12:56
» Phytothérapie dans le traitement du cancer du sein
par Luc Sam 31 Aoû 2024 - 8:45
» English corner: Zonulin Pathway as a Therapeutic Target
par Luc Dim 25 Aoû 2024 - 21:44
» English corner: Unsaturated fish oils impaired glucose tolerance
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» English corner: Is starch truly a slave food?
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» English Corner: Oral NaHCO3, M2 macrophages, Carbon dioxide and inflammation
par Luc Jeu 1 Aoû 2024 - 19:48
» English corner: The salt paradox
par Luc Mar 2 Juil 2024 - 18:40
» English Corner: How much fat do we need to absorb Vit A D K well?
par Luc Sam 22 Juin 2024 - 10:59
» The thyroid madness
par Luc Dim 2 Juin 2024 - 11:16
» Les bêtabloquants n’améliorent pas la tension artérielle
par Luc Mer 29 Mai 2024 - 21:38
» Thiamine et Magnésium en cas de crampe
par Luc Lun 27 Mai 2024 - 15:49
» English Corner: Anti-Stress & Neuro-Protective Effects of Thiamine (B1)
par Luc Dim 5 Mai 2024 - 9:41
» Démangeaison et Histamine – Journal de Suivi 2
par Luc Mar 23 Avr 2024 - 12:23
» Impact réversible ou non des émulsifiants sur le microbiome
par Luc Lun 15 Avr 2024 - 8:16
» Effets anti-thyroïde des oméga-3
par Luc Lun 1 Avr 2024 - 15:49
» Les acides gras pour les nuls
par Luc Ven 29 Mar 2024 - 16:38
» Changement d'heure
par Luc Ven 29 Mar 2024 - 14:04
» Démangeaison & Histamine – Journal de suivi 1
par Luc Lun 25 Mar 2024 - 9:38
» Question d'orthographe
par Luc Dim 24 Mar 2024 - 21:18
» English corner: B6 leads to decrease of cytokines in neuropathy
par Luc Sam 16 Mar 2024 - 12:03
» Sujet "libre" connexe à l'annexion de l'Ukraine
par Luc Ven 15 Mar 2024 - 9:40
» English corner: High dose manganese
par Luc Ven 15 Mar 2024 - 8:22
» English corner: Altered GABA levels in MS patients
par Luc Lun 11 Mar 2024 - 17:02
» Neuropathie sensitive modérée par la Vit B6
par Luc Lun 11 Mar 2024 - 16:50
» English corner: B6, Brain inflammation and Quinolinate: The kynurenine pathway
par Luc Jeu 7 Mar 2024 - 10:22
» Régime protéiné & ratio Vit B6, biotine et molybdène
par Luc Lun 4 Mar 2024 - 22:26
» Additifs : Carraghénanes & Monoglycérides et Diglycérides d’Acides Gras
par Luc Ven 1 Mar 2024 - 18:41
» English corner. Potential roles of Vit B6 in inflammation and immunity
par Luc Ven 1 Mar 2024 - 10:54
» English Corner – Vit B6: How much is too much?
par Luc Mar 27 Fév 2024 - 21:39
» Effets de la Vitamine B6 sur les Neurotransmetteurs
par Luc Ven 23 Fév 2024 - 8:33
» Haute dose de B6 P5P contre algodystrophie et SCC
par Luc Dim 18 Fév 2024 - 11:29
» The English corner: Gerson therapy analyzed and somewhat criticized
par Luc Jeu 15 Fév 2024 - 17:20
» Annexion de l'Ukraine
par Luc Lun 12 Fév 2024 - 21:19
» Divers 1 - Santé et écologie
par Luc Dim 11 Fév 2024 - 23:18
» The English corner: Fix the gut
par Luc Lun 5 Fév 2024 - 11:30
» Présentation Tiphoun
par Luc Lun 5 Fév 2024 - 0:01
» Pourquoi la choline est importante en nutrition
par Luc Mar 30 Jan 2024 - 19:11
» Histoire drôle & Funny clip 12
par Luc Lun 29 Jan 2024 - 10:57
» Nutriments favorables à la respiration mitochondriale
par Luc Dim 28 Jan 2024 - 14:41
» Comment Booster votre Énergie
par Luc Dim 28 Jan 2024 - 14:14
» Pathologies d’encrassage : Fibro – Tendinite – Arthrose – Ostéoporose – Goutte – Etc.
par Luc Dim 14 Jan 2024 - 11:38
» The English Corner: Auto immune reaction
par Luc Ven 12 Jan 2024 - 18:19
» Maladie de Crohn ou Côlon Irritable (IBS) : Comment apaiser et s’en sortir ?
par Luc Ven 12 Jan 2024 - 11:00
» Contenir le candida albicans avec la phytothérapie
par Luc Mar 9 Jan 2024 - 22:08
» Le paradoxe de la vitamine B6
par Luc Sam 6 Jan 2024 - 19:15
» Bon Noël & Meilleurs Vœux
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» Petit dej de Luc
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» Quels types de Vit. B? Diffusion passive
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» Quels Probiotiques pour les Allergies, les Colites et Autres Pathologies
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» Motilité Intestinale et Déficit en Thiamine B1
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» Gut bacteria causes rheumatoid arthritis and likely all other autoimmune conditions
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The English Corner: Auto immune reaction
Page 1 sur 1
The English Corner: Auto immune reaction
The English Corner: Auto immune reaction
Intolerant to foodstuff – Severe Dysfunctional Digestive System
User8374 said:
Severe SIBO / Endotoxemia - Please give advice. Jan 01, 2024 at 6:01 PM.
“I am suffering from SIBO-D since I was 15 years old and now I'm 20. 2 years ago I developed allergies and I'm guessing it's related to endotoxemia caused by SIBO. When I eat fats my nose gets extremely stuffy, it’s like my nasal passages shrink and when I eat high sugar foods my nose gets really runny and sometimes I start sweating a lot.” (…)
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
MostlyLurking posted:
Please read:
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Is it possible that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is simply a symptom of an underlying vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency?
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] by Dr. Elliot OVERTON.
Excerpt (from LucH)
The essential roles played by thiamine in the brain and nervous system mean that insufficient amounts can have drastic consequences for practically every other system in the body.
Inefficient metabolism in the medulla due to a lack of thiamine (B1) can result in abnormal activity of the vagus nerve and autonomic dysfunction, which have numerous downstream effects on the gastrointestinal system.
Now recall that thiamine in needed to synthesis the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Both the vagus nerve and the enteric neurons utilize acetylcholine to stimulate intestinal contractions of the smooth muscles to facilitate motility. This means that to have healthy gut motility, the autonomic nervous system and vagal tone must be in "good shape". Notably, one of the primary factors characterizing SIBO is abnormal or impaired intestinal motility.
See also: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
From as long as I can remember, I’ve experienced gut pain, fatigue, and hyper-sensitivity.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Health depends on the 70-100 trillion single-celled organisms that live in our intestines.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Is thiamine deficiency too simple to explain the devastating nature of the systemic adverse reactions to some vaccines and medications?
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
LucH posted:
Hi, make a search with Jacqueline Lagacé.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
MostlyLurking answers:
That search appears to be a dead end to her End of Pain book. Sorry not really interested in buying the book.
I spent many years in a lot of pain / inflammation plus SIBO, leaky gut, reactive to most foods, then rheumatoid arthritis. I live with mercury poisoning which exacerbates my problems. I'm recovered, thanks to Ray Peat's wisdom, a great endocrinologist who optimized my prescription desiccated thyroid medication (resolved the rheumatoid arthritis), and high dose thiamine HCl (thanks to [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]) + magnesium glycinate + some other Peaty supplements.
LucH answers:
“I spent many years in a lot of pain/inflammation plus SIBO, leaky gut, reactive to most foods, then rheumatoid arthritis.”
I understand this point of view. The "problem" is not to heal rheumatoid arthritis (as JL suffered from) but to extrapolate and understand why more than 10 % people suffer from auto-immune disease. I can't develop here. Not admitted (on RP forum).
And young children haven't had time enough to develop heavy metal poisoning when living in natural wealthy environment. However, some children inherit the gene weakness from their parents. Why? The ground (30%) + the way of life (70%).
A clue (part of the problem):
Cereals cause zonulin secretion. Zonulin increases intestinal permeability (leaky gut). Tight junctions are no longer operational (by people suffering from poor digestion).
PS: Thiamin can help a lot to optimize energy and to set things in the right order / to exchange information (brain) but it won't do much if you can't tolerate some stuff.
Alpha comments:
You'll get a lot of schools of thought on this topic. I think a course of antibiotics to start a clean slate then build back up a healthy gut microbiome with fiber rich whole foods and coconut oil.
Intolerant to foodstuff – Severe Dysfunctional Digestive System
User8374 said:
Severe SIBO / Endotoxemia - Please give advice. Jan 01, 2024 at 6:01 PM.
“I am suffering from SIBO-D since I was 15 years old and now I'm 20. 2 years ago I developed allergies and I'm guessing it's related to endotoxemia caused by SIBO. When I eat fats my nose gets extremely stuffy, it’s like my nasal passages shrink and when I eat high sugar foods my nose gets really runny and sometimes I start sweating a lot.” (…)
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
MostlyLurking posted:
Please read:
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Is it possible that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is simply a symptom of an underlying vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency?
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] by Dr. Elliot OVERTON.
Excerpt (from LucH)
The essential roles played by thiamine in the brain and nervous system mean that insufficient amounts can have drastic consequences for practically every other system in the body.
Inefficient metabolism in the medulla due to a lack of thiamine (B1) can result in abnormal activity of the vagus nerve and autonomic dysfunction, which have numerous downstream effects on the gastrointestinal system.
Now recall that thiamine in needed to synthesis the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Both the vagus nerve and the enteric neurons utilize acetylcholine to stimulate intestinal contractions of the smooth muscles to facilitate motility. This means that to have healthy gut motility, the autonomic nervous system and vagal tone must be in "good shape". Notably, one of the primary factors characterizing SIBO is abnormal or impaired intestinal motility.
See also: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
From as long as I can remember, I’ve experienced gut pain, fatigue, and hyper-sensitivity.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Health depends on the 70-100 trillion single-celled organisms that live in our intestines.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Is thiamine deficiency too simple to explain the devastating nature of the systemic adverse reactions to some vaccines and medications?
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
LucH posted:
Hi, make a search with Jacqueline Lagacé.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
MostlyLurking answers:
That search appears to be a dead end to her End of Pain book. Sorry not really interested in buying the book.
I spent many years in a lot of pain / inflammation plus SIBO, leaky gut, reactive to most foods, then rheumatoid arthritis. I live with mercury poisoning which exacerbates my problems. I'm recovered, thanks to Ray Peat's wisdom, a great endocrinologist who optimized my prescription desiccated thyroid medication (resolved the rheumatoid arthritis), and high dose thiamine HCl (thanks to [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]) + magnesium glycinate + some other Peaty supplements.
LucH answers:
“I spent many years in a lot of pain/inflammation plus SIBO, leaky gut, reactive to most foods, then rheumatoid arthritis.”
I understand this point of view. The "problem" is not to heal rheumatoid arthritis (as JL suffered from) but to extrapolate and understand why more than 10 % people suffer from auto-immune disease. I can't develop here. Not admitted (on RP forum).
And young children haven't had time enough to develop heavy metal poisoning when living in natural wealthy environment. However, some children inherit the gene weakness from their parents. Why? The ground (30%) + the way of life (70%).
A clue (part of the problem):
Cereals cause zonulin secretion. Zonulin increases intestinal permeability (leaky gut). Tight junctions are no longer operational (by people suffering from poor digestion).
PS: Thiamin can help a lot to optimize energy and to set things in the right order / to exchange information (brain) but it won't do much if you can't tolerate some stuff.
Alpha comments:
You'll get a lot of schools of thought on this topic. I think a course of antibiotics to start a clean slate then build back up a healthy gut microbiome with fiber rich whole foods and coconut oil.
Dernière édition par Luc le Mer 17 Avr 2024 - 12:14, édité 5 fois
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
L’alimentation ou la 3ème médecine – Jean Seignalet.
L’alimentation ou la 3ème médecine – Jean Seignalet.
This brief approach allows most readers to grasp the impact on the overexposure of the immune system.
Diet in practice: Well, how could we summarize Seignalet in short? :
A diet free of gluten, casein and corn. Main guideline.
Better not cook above 110 °. Eat organic and local.
As far as oils is concerned (omega-3), we didn’t talk about EPA – DHA – GLA in nineties. Only from whole food.
Not to take literally. Seignalet is not a nutritionist but an immunologist.
As far as vegetables are concerned, raw for enzymes but not at the beginning when your bowels are irritated. We’d better eat them steam-cooked and according to what you can tolerate. Adapt yourself.
As far as pseudo-cereals are concerned, they are admitted but moderately. I advise to limit them once a day, a small portion. Buckwheat and rice do contain antinutrients. Like all cereals.
Not good for endothelial cells. Cereals cause zonulin secretion. Zonulin increases intestinal permeability (leaky gut). Tight junctions are no longer operational (by people suffering from poor digestion).
This brief approach allows most readers to grasp the impact on the overexposure of the immune system.
Diet in practice: Well, how could we summarize Seignalet in short? :
A diet free of gluten, casein and corn. Main guideline.
Better not cook above 110 °. Eat organic and local.
As far as oils is concerned (omega-3), we didn’t talk about EPA – DHA – GLA in nineties. Only from whole food.
Not to take literally. Seignalet is not a nutritionist but an immunologist.
As far as vegetables are concerned, raw for enzymes but not at the beginning when your bowels are irritated. We’d better eat them steam-cooked and according to what you can tolerate. Adapt yourself.
As far as pseudo-cereals are concerned, they are admitted but moderately. I advise to limit them once a day, a small portion. Buckwheat and rice do contain antinutrients. Like all cereals.
Not good for endothelial cells. Cereals cause zonulin secretion. Zonulin increases intestinal permeability (leaky gut). Tight junctions are no longer operational (by people suffering from poor digestion).
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Cross-reactivity: Allergy to protein type
Figure: Allergy to protein type. Cross-reactivity.
Cross-reactivity in allergic reactions occurs when the proteins in one substance (typically milk proteins) are similar to the proteins found in another substance (in bread or pasta). In immunology we say: When antibodies with similar amino acid homology bind to the same binding site. The immune system is mistaken (wrong target + excessive reaction).
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Blé = wheat (bread). Lait = milk. Avoine = oat. Maïs = corn.
Source: The Paleo Mom.
Additional link if you want to know why grains are not advised.
“Why grains are bad?”
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
From “How Do Grains, Legumes and Dairy Cause a Leaky Gut?” Part 1: Lectins.
+ Part 2: Saponins and Protease Inhibitors of grains and legumes
From “How Do Grains, Legumes and Dairy Cause a Leaky Gut?”
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Cross-reactivity in allergic reactions occurs when the proteins in one substance (typically milk proteins) are similar to the proteins found in another substance (in bread or pasta). In immunology we say: When antibodies with similar amino acid homology bind to the same binding site. The immune system is mistaken (wrong target + excessive reaction).
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Blé = wheat (bread). Lait = milk. Avoine = oat. Maïs = corn.
Source: The Paleo Mom.
Additional link if you want to know why grains are not advised.
“Why grains are bad?”
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
From “How Do Grains, Legumes and Dairy Cause a Leaky Gut?” Part 1: Lectins.
+ Part 2: Saponins and Protease Inhibitors of grains and legumes
From “How Do Grains, Legumes and Dairy Cause a Leaky Gut?”
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Dernière édition par Luc le Mer 10 Jan 2024 - 14:14, édité 1 fois
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Guidelines: digestive leucocytosis (leaky gut)
Guidelines – Dr. Jean Seignalet: Principles of the Seignalet method
This brief approach is necessarily partial and therefore incomplete but it allows most readers to grasp the impact on the overexposure of the immune system.
*) Preamble
Many doctors and researchers consider, following an outrageous specialization, that food is not a decisive element in the approach of healing. And if some admit it, confronted with the success encountered by some of their patients who decided to take care of themselves, it is often in the form of a concession, at least at the start: "It cannot hurt ..."
"Primun non nocere", would have said Hippocrates: "First, do not harm" (410 BC). And for that it takes a holistic (global) approach. So we should not just treat a part of the body, focusing on the symptoms which are only the revealing of an often deep, sometimes old evil ... Note that the following is not "only" the synthesis of Seignalet's book.
*) Hereditary background
It must be admitted that there are favourable hereditary factors, called susceptibility genes. But they are far from sufficient, in the vast majority of cases (15-30 % as a determining factor only).
The combination with environmental factors is necessary. It is true that the various pollution weaken the terrain: chemicals, pollution (radiation and noise included), tobacco and other excesses (burn out, alcohol, drugs) greatly complicate the work of elimination / regeneration. We put our liver and kidneys to strong contribution. We are continuously soliciting our “bank of enzymes” to assimilate or neutralize / evacuate these excesses. Note that without enzyme, there is no more life: life stops...
*) Overload theory (congested system) (encrassage, in French => too much dirty)
However, some naturopaths claim that most diseases (80 %) are only the consequence of an overloaded / congested organism. We fall "sick" when our body takes out / evacuates the trash cans. In this case, the organism can no longer treat / evacuate excesses softly. It is as if you had kept the excesses of waste produced for 6 weeks: the garbage collectors refused excess work and they only took half of your garbage for 6 weeks, while warning and in trying to call you for moderation. You then ignored the warning and you buried this waste in the cellar, and you no longer thought about it, until the day when a pestilential odor was felt (infection pathology).
A large number of bacterial and food macromolecules are likely to penetrate the human organism. The principal responsible for this situation is "modern food" (Processed Foods => manufactured foods, with a lot of additives).
Modern food is far from the ancestral diet to which the enzymes and the intestinal mucosa were / are adapted. The main changes are:
- Consumption of animal milks and their derivatives in a recurring (usual) and often excessive manner;
- Ingestion of mutated and cooked cereals;
- Using many manufactured products;
- An inappropriate cooking method (too cooked, too long, bathed in water, etc.);
- The use of denatured oils (refined, hydrogenated or simply cooked when provided with PUFA’s);
- The presence of many food additives;
- Deadly food (no enzymes), low in vitamins and certain trace elements.
*) Impact of manufactured food
1) Certain foods are little or poorly digested, because we do not have appropriate digestive enzymes. Food macromolecules pass the brush barrier from our intestines and find themselves in the blood circulation ... intruder alert! (perceived as allergens).
2) We eat "unbalanced". The intestinal flora is modified or impoverished (little diverse). The microbiome changes and often ferments: in the event of excess sugar (cereals for example), there is fermentation of this flora. In case of poor protein digestion, there is putrefaction (much more foul -smelling when you go to stool), with proliferation of certain dangerous bacteria...
NB 1: There is often an excess of protein because our stock of enzymes is "planned" to digest / assimilate + / 30 g of protein. In 100 g of meat there are +/ 20 g of protein. A portion of meat should therefore not exceed 150 g.
NB 2: In some cases we do not have appropriate enzymes or these enzymes are inhibited: a substance prevents metabolism from functioning properly…
Pathologists then speak of digestive leukocytosis: our immune system tries to absorb / neutralize these macromolecules or bacteria.
3) This perpetual imbalance attacks our intestinal mucosa, quite thin (villi of the intestinal barrier). NB: Our intestinal wall is in the form of a wall whose bricks are unsealed and let the rain and the wind pass (tight junctions not waterproof).
In the long run the intestinal barrier becomes too permeable: the Anglo-Saxons talks about the leaky gut syndrome (The tight junctions of the intestine barrier are no longer functional).
Figure: Healthy intestine barrier (filtering)
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*) Macromolecules
According to the encountered ground, the macromolecules which pass the intestinal barrier will not all have the same composition. The composition of these molecules is variable from one subject to another: it depends on the intestinal flora, therefore on the food mode. It depends on the ability of individuals to synthesize enzymes to catalyze reactions. Said more clearly, these enzymes will decouple / split nutrient food: proteins in amino acids, more or less unsaturated fatty oils and fats, starches and carbohydrates in simple sugars.
These nutrients will then be transformed into bioavailable molecules and will be transported to their destination site (cell or tissue), with more or less affinity. Sometimes it will go well and you will not notice anything or barely a stroke of fatigue for the digestion process. Sometimes a dysfunction and / or overload will gradually settle and trigger a pathology.
*) For an effective enzymatic activity
There are around fifty essential nutrients
- 8 amino acids,
- 13 vitamins,
- 2 unsaturated fatty acids (hence the name "essential fatty acids"),
- around twenty minerals and trace elements,
- plus a number of molecules, such as cholesterol, which can be partly synthesized from the nutrients mentioned above.
The purpose of many of them is to ensure an effective enzymatic activity, as already specified: enzymes are indeed the heart of the problem. And of course we will take care to limit disruptors and place enzymes / reaction catalysts in the best appropriate conditions (hypotoxic diet, in particular). Enzymes are reactions catalysts, facilitators.
*) There are 3 types of pathologies
Macromolecules poorly decomposed / assimilated can cause three kinds of pathologies:
- Autoimmune diseases (majority of RA, spondylarthritis, etc.)
- Congestion diseases (75 % of type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.)
- Elimination diseases (more than 90 % for: acne, colitis, RCH, asthma, hay fever; 75 % for psoriasis, etc.).
*) A little immunology
Seignalet diet is not really intended for true genetic diseases, like cystic fibrosis or phenylketonuria, but with autoimmune diseases. There is a genetic factor but it does not concern an enzyme, but an HLA group (susceptibility gene, indeed). According to Seignalet (this is the most important contribution of his method), an antigen which is most often bacterial, but probably food in certain cases, goes by fixing on HLA tissue structures, modify this "HLA receiver ", which becomes “antigenic ". It is "the loss of self-recognition" according to official medicine. For Seignalet it is "a change in the self" (la modification du soi). This is a point that clearly opposes the two approaches.
*) Vocabulary: HLA group
There are proteins on the surface of white blood cells (or leukocytes) of several types called Human Leucocyte Antigen or H.L.A. They characterize an individual, a bit like proteins found on red blood cells, for blood groups, but even more complex.
The HLA group is therefore defined / characterized by antigens on the surface of white blood cells and all the nuclei cells in the organism. It represents an identity card of the tissues of a given person. By simplifying, we could make an analogy: the HLA group refers to white blood cells, the blood group mainly refers to red blood cells.
NB: Having a HLA gene of a certain type is not enough to develop a pathology, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and there are many cases of RA not having any susceptibility gene.
*) Vocabulary: self, non-self, innate immunity.
We distinguish innate immunity from acquired immunity. Indeed, our body is endowed at the birth of a certain number of defense mechanisms (innate immunity). We have several types of protective barrier, such as skin or saliva, or more complex such as organic barriers, that is substances produced by the body: interferon, interleukin, complement factors, etc. For example. From birth we are "attacked" by multiple external agents, likely to alter / influence our vitality and therefore our health. Our immune system evolves and gradually improves, in general, in contact with external agents. In this perspective, it is essential to recall the importance of nourishing the newborn in maternal breast. The immune system will then very often be much less likely / less due to random (…).
Our body is trying to adapt to the environment: the body adopts a recognition or rejection reaction (antigen). This awareness phenomenon is more or less marked according to individuals (…).
Each cell in our body has an identity card, characterized / determined by marking proteins (MHC proteins: proteins of the major histocompatibility complex). These proteins are marked in order to be identified by the body as belonging to the body or not, as intruders or not. Any molecule not having this marking is considered to be foreign: the non-self, and will therefore be destroyed...
Unfortunately, in some cases, the protection system becomes hyper-reactive, too reactive: poorly proportioned, non-adequate response (...), often following a slow over-exposition process (various toxins), and / or following a food imbalance that modify the homeostasis balance. There are still many other tracks to consider! We simplify here ... In some cases the reaction is caused by macromolecules which cross the intestinal barrier (therefore not assimilated and decomposed) and are also perceived as intruder. This is where the link is naturally established with the hypotoxic diet of Dr. Jean Seignalet.
Note: See Jean-Marie Magnien or Jacqueline Lagacé for an update (in French, for the first one; translator needed).
*) In practice
It is recommended to start a meal with raw products and continue with cooked products. All vegetables are allowed, raw or cooked, but a cooked vegetable loses most of its enzymes, unless you have become a specialist in soft cooking (steamed), but this is unfortunately not advised for all vitamins: There is a degradation threshold (…). For cooking, you must try to moderate the temperature: less than 110 ° C / 230 ° F, which is not a problem for steam or muffled cooking modes (very small fire in a casserole dish with lid, never in a pot at pressure because it destructs the food).
For the main dish everything is allowed except gluten and casein.
- There is mainly gluten in: wheat and derivatives (bread, semolina, paste, etc.), rye, spelled barley + corn and oat.
- There is casein in: dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter,) of all animals.
NB 1: Plant milks are an excellent substitute for animal milks: almond, rice, hazelnut milks, for example.
NB 2: To replace traditional cereals, there are buckwheat flours, rice ... Rice is allowed, as well as quinoa, amaranth ... Try to make a turning point not to abuse: everything is in the dose (…). Fish and crustaceans are recommended, the meat is admitted if it is not cooked too long or at too high temperature (toasted)...
*) Remission or healing
The Seignalet diet often makes it possible to reach remission*, at least a clear improvement in symptoms resulting from so-called congestion pathologies but cannot restore what is deeply distorted or damaged, although Seignalet has seen spectacular recovery in some cases … However, it is essential to rectify the shooting and to make as radically as possible the behavior changes that are necessary: nutritional and others (...). But already know that a large number of new followers / supporters of the regime started pianissimo, at their own rhythm: a small step in front of the other. You should not be discouraged because there is a period of adaptation, of transition in some people, +/ long. It depends on the personality, tastes and colors of individuals ... However, to obtain significant results, it is strongly advised to adopt a more rigorous attitude: indeed a diet applied seriously, without sprain, often give 90 % of good results, while a "slight" sprain up to 10 %, or even much less, will only give 50 % of positive results, and still not in any case. In addition, in the latter scenario, it will take more time before perceiving the beneficial effects...
* NB: This is a remission and not healing. It is therefore a change of diet made for life...
*) The book and its author
Jean Seignalet: L’alimentation ou la 3ème médecine
Dr. Jean Seignalet died in 2003, an immunologist doctor at the Saint-Eloi hospital in Montpellier, also taught at the Faculty of Medicine of this city. For ten years, he became interested in food. He is the author of “L’alimentation ou la 3ème Médecine” (Food as the third medicine), collection Écologie humaine, François-Xavier de Guibert, 490 pages, 32 €.).
Buying the book: Make sure that this is the last edition (5th), because there is a chapter added on enzymes (among other things).
NB: You’re not obliged to buy the book to undertake the diet ... Jean-Marie Magnien is easier to understand (in French).
This brief approach is necessarily partial and therefore incomplete but it allows most readers to grasp the impact on the overexposure of the immune system.
*) Preamble
Many doctors and researchers consider, following an outrageous specialization, that food is not a decisive element in the approach of healing. And if some admit it, confronted with the success encountered by some of their patients who decided to take care of themselves, it is often in the form of a concession, at least at the start: "It cannot hurt ..."
"Primun non nocere", would have said Hippocrates: "First, do not harm" (410 BC). And for that it takes a holistic (global) approach. So we should not just treat a part of the body, focusing on the symptoms which are only the revealing of an often deep, sometimes old evil ... Note that the following is not "only" the synthesis of Seignalet's book.
*) Hereditary background
It must be admitted that there are favourable hereditary factors, called susceptibility genes. But they are far from sufficient, in the vast majority of cases (15-30 % as a determining factor only).
The combination with environmental factors is necessary. It is true that the various pollution weaken the terrain: chemicals, pollution (radiation and noise included), tobacco and other excesses (burn out, alcohol, drugs) greatly complicate the work of elimination / regeneration. We put our liver and kidneys to strong contribution. We are continuously soliciting our “bank of enzymes” to assimilate or neutralize / evacuate these excesses. Note that without enzyme, there is no more life: life stops...
*) Overload theory (congested system) (encrassage, in French => too much dirty)
However, some naturopaths claim that most diseases (80 %) are only the consequence of an overloaded / congested organism. We fall "sick" when our body takes out / evacuates the trash cans. In this case, the organism can no longer treat / evacuate excesses softly. It is as if you had kept the excesses of waste produced for 6 weeks: the garbage collectors refused excess work and they only took half of your garbage for 6 weeks, while warning and in trying to call you for moderation. You then ignored the warning and you buried this waste in the cellar, and you no longer thought about it, until the day when a pestilential odor was felt (infection pathology).
A large number of bacterial and food macromolecules are likely to penetrate the human organism. The principal responsible for this situation is "modern food" (Processed Foods => manufactured foods, with a lot of additives).
Modern food is far from the ancestral diet to which the enzymes and the intestinal mucosa were / are adapted. The main changes are:
- Consumption of animal milks and their derivatives in a recurring (usual) and often excessive manner;
- Ingestion of mutated and cooked cereals;
- Using many manufactured products;
- An inappropriate cooking method (too cooked, too long, bathed in water, etc.);
- The use of denatured oils (refined, hydrogenated or simply cooked when provided with PUFA’s);
- The presence of many food additives;
- Deadly food (no enzymes), low in vitamins and certain trace elements.
*) Impact of manufactured food
1) Certain foods are little or poorly digested, because we do not have appropriate digestive enzymes. Food macromolecules pass the brush barrier from our intestines and find themselves in the blood circulation ... intruder alert! (perceived as allergens).
2) We eat "unbalanced". The intestinal flora is modified or impoverished (little diverse). The microbiome changes and often ferments: in the event of excess sugar (cereals for example), there is fermentation of this flora. In case of poor protein digestion, there is putrefaction (much more foul -smelling when you go to stool), with proliferation of certain dangerous bacteria...
NB 1: There is often an excess of protein because our stock of enzymes is "planned" to digest / assimilate + / 30 g of protein. In 100 g of meat there are +/ 20 g of protein. A portion of meat should therefore not exceed 150 g.
NB 2: In some cases we do not have appropriate enzymes or these enzymes are inhibited: a substance prevents metabolism from functioning properly…
Pathologists then speak of digestive leukocytosis: our immune system tries to absorb / neutralize these macromolecules or bacteria.
3) This perpetual imbalance attacks our intestinal mucosa, quite thin (villi of the intestinal barrier). NB: Our intestinal wall is in the form of a wall whose bricks are unsealed and let the rain and the wind pass (tight junctions not waterproof).
In the long run the intestinal barrier becomes too permeable: the Anglo-Saxons talks about the leaky gut syndrome (The tight junctions of the intestine barrier are no longer functional).
Figure: Healthy intestine barrier (filtering)
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*) Macromolecules
According to the encountered ground, the macromolecules which pass the intestinal barrier will not all have the same composition. The composition of these molecules is variable from one subject to another: it depends on the intestinal flora, therefore on the food mode. It depends on the ability of individuals to synthesize enzymes to catalyze reactions. Said more clearly, these enzymes will decouple / split nutrient food: proteins in amino acids, more or less unsaturated fatty oils and fats, starches and carbohydrates in simple sugars.
These nutrients will then be transformed into bioavailable molecules and will be transported to their destination site (cell or tissue), with more or less affinity. Sometimes it will go well and you will not notice anything or barely a stroke of fatigue for the digestion process. Sometimes a dysfunction and / or overload will gradually settle and trigger a pathology.
*) For an effective enzymatic activity
There are around fifty essential nutrients
- 8 amino acids,
- 13 vitamins,
- 2 unsaturated fatty acids (hence the name "essential fatty acids"),
- around twenty minerals and trace elements,
- plus a number of molecules, such as cholesterol, which can be partly synthesized from the nutrients mentioned above.
The purpose of many of them is to ensure an effective enzymatic activity, as already specified: enzymes are indeed the heart of the problem. And of course we will take care to limit disruptors and place enzymes / reaction catalysts in the best appropriate conditions (hypotoxic diet, in particular). Enzymes are reactions catalysts, facilitators.
*) There are 3 types of pathologies
Macromolecules poorly decomposed / assimilated can cause three kinds of pathologies:
- Autoimmune diseases (majority of RA, spondylarthritis, etc.)
- Congestion diseases (75 % of type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.)
- Elimination diseases (more than 90 % for: acne, colitis, RCH, asthma, hay fever; 75 % for psoriasis, etc.).
*) A little immunology
Seignalet diet is not really intended for true genetic diseases, like cystic fibrosis or phenylketonuria, but with autoimmune diseases. There is a genetic factor but it does not concern an enzyme, but an HLA group (susceptibility gene, indeed). According to Seignalet (this is the most important contribution of his method), an antigen which is most often bacterial, but probably food in certain cases, goes by fixing on HLA tissue structures, modify this "HLA receiver ", which becomes “antigenic ". It is "the loss of self-recognition" according to official medicine. For Seignalet it is "a change in the self" (la modification du soi). This is a point that clearly opposes the two approaches.
*) Vocabulary: HLA group
There are proteins on the surface of white blood cells (or leukocytes) of several types called Human Leucocyte Antigen or H.L.A. They characterize an individual, a bit like proteins found on red blood cells, for blood groups, but even more complex.
The HLA group is therefore defined / characterized by antigens on the surface of white blood cells and all the nuclei cells in the organism. It represents an identity card of the tissues of a given person. By simplifying, we could make an analogy: the HLA group refers to white blood cells, the blood group mainly refers to red blood cells.
NB: Having a HLA gene of a certain type is not enough to develop a pathology, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and there are many cases of RA not having any susceptibility gene.
*) Vocabulary: self, non-self, innate immunity.
We distinguish innate immunity from acquired immunity. Indeed, our body is endowed at the birth of a certain number of defense mechanisms (innate immunity). We have several types of protective barrier, such as skin or saliva, or more complex such as organic barriers, that is substances produced by the body: interferon, interleukin, complement factors, etc. For example. From birth we are "attacked" by multiple external agents, likely to alter / influence our vitality and therefore our health. Our immune system evolves and gradually improves, in general, in contact with external agents. In this perspective, it is essential to recall the importance of nourishing the newborn in maternal breast. The immune system will then very often be much less likely / less due to random (…).
Our body is trying to adapt to the environment: the body adopts a recognition or rejection reaction (antigen). This awareness phenomenon is more or less marked according to individuals (…).
Each cell in our body has an identity card, characterized / determined by marking proteins (MHC proteins: proteins of the major histocompatibility complex). These proteins are marked in order to be identified by the body as belonging to the body or not, as intruders or not. Any molecule not having this marking is considered to be foreign: the non-self, and will therefore be destroyed...
Unfortunately, in some cases, the protection system becomes hyper-reactive, too reactive: poorly proportioned, non-adequate response (...), often following a slow over-exposition process (various toxins), and / or following a food imbalance that modify the homeostasis balance. There are still many other tracks to consider! We simplify here ... In some cases the reaction is caused by macromolecules which cross the intestinal barrier (therefore not assimilated and decomposed) and are also perceived as intruder. This is where the link is naturally established with the hypotoxic diet of Dr. Jean Seignalet.
Note: See Jean-Marie Magnien or Jacqueline Lagacé for an update (in French, for the first one; translator needed).
*) In practice
It is recommended to start a meal with raw products and continue with cooked products. All vegetables are allowed, raw or cooked, but a cooked vegetable loses most of its enzymes, unless you have become a specialist in soft cooking (steamed), but this is unfortunately not advised for all vitamins: There is a degradation threshold (…). For cooking, you must try to moderate the temperature: less than 110 ° C / 230 ° F, which is not a problem for steam or muffled cooking modes (very small fire in a casserole dish with lid, never in a pot at pressure because it destructs the food).
For the main dish everything is allowed except gluten and casein.
- There is mainly gluten in: wheat and derivatives (bread, semolina, paste, etc.), rye, spelled barley + corn and oat.
- There is casein in: dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter,) of all animals.
NB 1: Plant milks are an excellent substitute for animal milks: almond, rice, hazelnut milks, for example.
NB 2: To replace traditional cereals, there are buckwheat flours, rice ... Rice is allowed, as well as quinoa, amaranth ... Try to make a turning point not to abuse: everything is in the dose (…). Fish and crustaceans are recommended, the meat is admitted if it is not cooked too long or at too high temperature (toasted)...
*) Remission or healing
The Seignalet diet often makes it possible to reach remission*, at least a clear improvement in symptoms resulting from so-called congestion pathologies but cannot restore what is deeply distorted or damaged, although Seignalet has seen spectacular recovery in some cases … However, it is essential to rectify the shooting and to make as radically as possible the behavior changes that are necessary: nutritional and others (...). But already know that a large number of new followers / supporters of the regime started pianissimo, at their own rhythm: a small step in front of the other. You should not be discouraged because there is a period of adaptation, of transition in some people, +/ long. It depends on the personality, tastes and colors of individuals ... However, to obtain significant results, it is strongly advised to adopt a more rigorous attitude: indeed a diet applied seriously, without sprain, often give 90 % of good results, while a "slight" sprain up to 10 %, or even much less, will only give 50 % of positive results, and still not in any case. In addition, in the latter scenario, it will take more time before perceiving the beneficial effects...
* NB: This is a remission and not healing. It is therefore a change of diet made for life...
*) The book and its author
Jean Seignalet: L’alimentation ou la 3ème médecine
Dr. Jean Seignalet died in 2003, an immunologist doctor at the Saint-Eloi hospital in Montpellier, also taught at the Faculty of Medicine of this city. For ten years, he became interested in food. He is the author of “L’alimentation ou la 3ème Médecine” (Food as the third medicine), collection Écologie humaine, François-Xavier de Guibert, 490 pages, 32 €.).
Buying the book: Make sure that this is the last edition (5th), because there is a chapter added on enzymes (among other things).
NB: You’re not obliged to buy the book to undertake the diet ... Jean-Marie Magnien is easier to understand (in French).
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Re: The English Corner: Auto immune reaction
Useful links (in French):
*) Je mange hypotoxique, Damien LERETAILLE – Éditions
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
*) “The Longevity Solution – Rediscovering Centuries-Old Secrets to a Healthy, Long Life”, écrit par Dr. James Dinicolatonio & Dr. Jason Fung. 2019. Victory Belt Publishing, Last Vegas.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
*) Jean-Marie Magnien
Pharmacien, biologiste, nutritionniste, nutrithérapeute
Réduire au silence 100 maladies avec le régime Seignalet
NB : Plus facile d’accès.
*) Effet du lait sur l'arthrose
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Microbiote & arthrose : Impact des produits laitiers sur la perméabilité intestinale.
Interaction entre l’alimentation, le microbiote et l’impact sur l’inflammation.
Digestion difficile et dysbiose.
Lien entre alimentation et inflammation.
*) Je mange hypotoxique, Damien LERETAILLE – Éditions
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
*) “The Longevity Solution – Rediscovering Centuries-Old Secrets to a Healthy, Long Life”, écrit par Dr. James Dinicolatonio & Dr. Jason Fung. 2019. Victory Belt Publishing, Last Vegas.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
*) Jean-Marie Magnien
Pharmacien, biologiste, nutritionniste, nutrithérapeute
Réduire au silence 100 maladies avec le régime Seignalet
NB : Plus facile d’accès.
*) Effet du lait sur l'arthrose
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Microbiote & arthrose : Impact des produits laitiers sur la perméabilité intestinale.
Interaction entre l’alimentation, le microbiote et l’impact sur l’inflammation.
Digestion difficile et dysbiose.
Lien entre alimentation et inflammation.
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Pathologies / Diseases: Seignalet deals with these diseases
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Autoimmune diseases treated with complete remission, 50% or failures.
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Elimination diseases treated with complete remission, 50% or failures.
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Congestion diseases treated with complete remission, 50% or failures.
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Crohn's disease or irritable colon (IBS): how to soothe and get out of it?
Crohn's disease or irritable colon (IBS): how to soothe and get out of it?
See original post post (in French):
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Irritable colon syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal system disease. Thus, unlike Crohn's disease, no change in the structural level is present, it is rather the function of the digestive system that is altered.
Jean Seignalet (immunologist) talked about colitis, also called spasmodic colopathy, irritable colon (IBS) or functional colopathy. With an IBS we often meet an abdominal bloating, transit disorders: constipation, diarrhea or alternation of both. The colopath is often tired, sometimes even anxious or depressed, prey to various discomforts (…).
In this type of colopathy Nanda and Coll. (1989) found that exclusion diets were effective in 47 % of patients, and that many subjects were able to identify dangerous foods. With a decline of one year, the benefit is maintained. I quote Jean Seignalet, in L’Alimentation ou la 3ème Médecine – &28 : Pathologie d’élimination – - 5th edition book:
“Certainly foods have a major responsibility in colitis, but not by an allergy or intolerance mechanism. The disease is not due to the assault of the colic mucosa by a poorly tolerated food. Raws and fruits are only triggers of crises. They are only dangerous because the colic wall is the seat of permanent inflammation. It is therefore we must find the root cause of the inflammation in order to treat it. Only an etiological treatment can be able to cure a colitis.”
Inflammation of the colon wall (inner lining)
Some patients have often been offered a treatment oriented towards psychopathy – as if it happens in the head at first time – by modulating the diet with a few common sense prescriptions (eating homemade, Mediterranean style), as soon as the inflammation of the intestinal walls will allow it ...
Inflammation – not an autoimmune reaction – is due to the assault of the mucosa by one or more poorly tolerated food, not by an allergy or intolerance mechanism. The disease is not of psychic origin, either. The fatigue and signs of anxiety are only the consequence of a mined ground. The motility is altered and the sensitivity of the colon is exacerbated. Otherwise expressed, these are symptoms of the colitis we have there.
For Jean Seignalet, this is the most likely observation, confirmed by the following analyzes: this inflammation is demonstrated by the excessive presence in the colic wall of various varieties of leukocytes, in particular mastocytes, macrophages and T lymphocytes (Fioramonti et al. 2001) (Barbara et al. 2002).
Similarity with Crohn: intestines hypermeability (leaky gut)
The attack on the mucosa of the intestines through modern diet and certain dangerous bacteria it promotes, the leaky gut with passage of bacterial and food macromolecules, this causes a permanent blood infiltrate. Drugs should not be given to slow down digestive transit, but on the contrary let this flow expurgate the body of its waste.
It is therefore logical to propose an original type diet, by promoting raw products and not cooked products, unlike certain conventional medical practices, as soon as a lull of inflammation of the intestinal walls will allow it. The patient will have to adapt in a 1st step and select what is most easily passed. It is a question here of adopting a coordinated approach: to calm the exacerbated sensitivity, then orient the type of food at the 1st stage of the remission to then gradually increase the tolerance of the intestinal walls.
See original post post (in French):
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Irritable colon syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal system disease. Thus, unlike Crohn's disease, no change in the structural level is present, it is rather the function of the digestive system that is altered.
Jean Seignalet (immunologist) talked about colitis, also called spasmodic colopathy, irritable colon (IBS) or functional colopathy. With an IBS we often meet an abdominal bloating, transit disorders: constipation, diarrhea or alternation of both. The colopath is often tired, sometimes even anxious or depressed, prey to various discomforts (…).
In this type of colopathy Nanda and Coll. (1989) found that exclusion diets were effective in 47 % of patients, and that many subjects were able to identify dangerous foods. With a decline of one year, the benefit is maintained. I quote Jean Seignalet, in L’Alimentation ou la 3ème Médecine – &28 : Pathologie d’élimination – - 5th edition book:
“Certainly foods have a major responsibility in colitis, but not by an allergy or intolerance mechanism. The disease is not due to the assault of the colic mucosa by a poorly tolerated food. Raws and fruits are only triggers of crises. They are only dangerous because the colic wall is the seat of permanent inflammation. It is therefore we must find the root cause of the inflammation in order to treat it. Only an etiological treatment can be able to cure a colitis.”
Inflammation of the colon wall (inner lining)
Some patients have often been offered a treatment oriented towards psychopathy – as if it happens in the head at first time – by modulating the diet with a few common sense prescriptions (eating homemade, Mediterranean style), as soon as the inflammation of the intestinal walls will allow it ...
Inflammation – not an autoimmune reaction – is due to the assault of the mucosa by one or more poorly tolerated food, not by an allergy or intolerance mechanism. The disease is not of psychic origin, either. The fatigue and signs of anxiety are only the consequence of a mined ground. The motility is altered and the sensitivity of the colon is exacerbated. Otherwise expressed, these are symptoms of the colitis we have there.
For Jean Seignalet, this is the most likely observation, confirmed by the following analyzes: this inflammation is demonstrated by the excessive presence in the colic wall of various varieties of leukocytes, in particular mastocytes, macrophages and T lymphocytes (Fioramonti et al. 2001) (Barbara et al. 2002).
Similarity with Crohn: intestines hypermeability (leaky gut)
The attack on the mucosa of the intestines through modern diet and certain dangerous bacteria it promotes, the leaky gut with passage of bacterial and food macromolecules, this causes a permanent blood infiltrate. Drugs should not be given to slow down digestive transit, but on the contrary let this flow expurgate the body of its waste.
It is therefore logical to propose an original type diet, by promoting raw products and not cooked products, unlike certain conventional medical practices, as soon as a lull of inflammation of the intestinal walls will allow it. The patient will have to adapt in a 1st step and select what is most easily passed. It is a question here of adopting a coordinated approach: to calm the exacerbated sensitivity, then orient the type of food at the 1st stage of the remission to then gradually increase the tolerance of the intestinal walls.
Dernière édition par Luc le Ven 12 Jan 2024 - 18:32, édité 1 fois
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Intestinal permeability and Zonulin
Intestinal permeability (leaky gut)
In Crohn's disease there is a mechanism similar to that of colitis, but more complex. The Crohn’s evolves frequently by successive thrusts, separated by sometimes complete, often incomplete remissions.
Before speaking in more details of Crohn's disease, I need to highlight a common point between Crohn and IBS: leaky gut.
Zonulin, a marker of intestinal permeability
Zonulin is a protein that regulates the permeability of the intestinal wall by acting on the tight junctions between the cells. (1) Its role is to allow the passage of certain molecules necessary for the body, but to block undesirable substances such as bacteria or toxins. However, zonulin can be disturbed by genetic, environmental or food factors, which leads to an increase in intestinal permeability and stimulation of the immune system.
Among the foods that can increase zonulin production and therefore promote intestinal hyperpermeability, we find in particular (2):
• Casein (milk protein)
• Gliadin (gluten)
• Potatoes, especially young potatoes, or potatoes in shirts.
• Peppers
• Tomatoes
• Lectins (proteins present in legumes, cereals, shell fruits, etc.)
It is therefore advisable to avoid or limit these foods if one suffers from excessive intestinal permeability. There are also zeolite-based food supplements that can help restore the balance of the intestinal wall and eliminate harmful substances.
Beneficial foods and substances
- The butyrate
The butyrate, a short chain fatty acid, has beneficial effects on the health of the colon, strengthening the intestinal barrier, modulating the immune system and preventing inflammation. The indicated dosage of butyric acid is on average 300 to 600 mg / day in a 3-month cure. Butyrate is found in appropriate quantities (> 3 mg / 100 gr) in the butter / ghee. See [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] later to deepen "sensitivity" to gluten, endocrine disruptors and associated pathologies, such as neurodegenerative diseases (MS, depression, autism, hyperactivity, etc.). + an overview of nutraceutics.
Practical question
In the event of inflamed intestinal walls (IBD), apart from the curcumin and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), what could calm the irritation of the intestinal walls to make it possible to ingest mixed sweet fibers (shaker) with cooked foods? And not a classic NSAID, which will not extend the taking, if necessary.
- Zeolite
Zeolite is a natural mineral that has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help strengthen the intestinal wall and reduce intestinal hyperpermeability, which is linked to many chronic diseases (3).
- Homeopathy
There are several homeopathic remedies that can relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools or spasms related to MICI. Note that we are not trying to stop the transit but to modulate it because it is necessary to let out the circulating toxins. For example, in case of cramps with spasms, Colocynthis 4 hp (if the pain improves by being folded in half or with a hot water bottle) or Dioscorea villosa 5 hp (if the pain is improving while hiding back, improved pain in extension and walking, or leaning back).
Sources et Références
1) Zonuline – définition & rôle
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
2) Aliments favorisant la production de zonuline
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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
3) La zéolithe
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In Crohn's disease there is a mechanism similar to that of colitis, but more complex. The Crohn’s evolves frequently by successive thrusts, separated by sometimes complete, often incomplete remissions.
Before speaking in more details of Crohn's disease, I need to highlight a common point between Crohn and IBS: leaky gut.
Zonulin, a marker of intestinal permeability
Zonulin is a protein that regulates the permeability of the intestinal wall by acting on the tight junctions between the cells. (1) Its role is to allow the passage of certain molecules necessary for the body, but to block undesirable substances such as bacteria or toxins. However, zonulin can be disturbed by genetic, environmental or food factors, which leads to an increase in intestinal permeability and stimulation of the immune system.
Among the foods that can increase zonulin production and therefore promote intestinal hyperpermeability, we find in particular (2):
• Casein (milk protein)
• Gliadin (gluten)
• Potatoes, especially young potatoes, or potatoes in shirts.
• Peppers
• Tomatoes
• Lectins (proteins present in legumes, cereals, shell fruits, etc.)
It is therefore advisable to avoid or limit these foods if one suffers from excessive intestinal permeability. There are also zeolite-based food supplements that can help restore the balance of the intestinal wall and eliminate harmful substances.
Beneficial foods and substances
- The butyrate
The butyrate, a short chain fatty acid, has beneficial effects on the health of the colon, strengthening the intestinal barrier, modulating the immune system and preventing inflammation. The indicated dosage of butyric acid is on average 300 to 600 mg / day in a 3-month cure. Butyrate is found in appropriate quantities (> 3 mg / 100 gr) in the butter / ghee. See [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] later to deepen "sensitivity" to gluten, endocrine disruptors and associated pathologies, such as neurodegenerative diseases (MS, depression, autism, hyperactivity, etc.). + an overview of nutraceutics.
Practical question
In the event of inflamed intestinal walls (IBD), apart from the curcumin and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), what could calm the irritation of the intestinal walls to make it possible to ingest mixed sweet fibers (shaker) with cooked foods? And not a classic NSAID, which will not extend the taking, if necessary.
- Zeolite
Zeolite is a natural mineral that has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help strengthen the intestinal wall and reduce intestinal hyperpermeability, which is linked to many chronic diseases (3).
- Homeopathy
There are several homeopathic remedies that can relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools or spasms related to MICI. Note that we are not trying to stop the transit but to modulate it because it is necessary to let out the circulating toxins. For example, in case of cramps with spasms, Colocynthis 4 hp (if the pain improves by being folded in half or with a hot water bottle) or Dioscorea villosa 5 hp (if the pain is improving while hiding back, improved pain in extension and walking, or leaning back).
Sources et Références
1) Zonuline – définition & rôle
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
2) Aliments favorisant la production de zonuline
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
3) La zéolithe
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« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
Crohn disease is not related to auto-immune reaction
Crohn disease
The main clinical signs are abdominal pain, prolonged diarrhea, the emission of bloody mucus, a possible palpable mass in the right iliac pit, moderate fever, asthenia and weight loss. Biologically, there is an accelerated ESR, increased CRP (reactive Protein-C), light anemia, leukocytosis with polynucleosis and hypo-albuminemia.
Note: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are two markers in the blood that measure levels of inflammation.
For JS, Crohn's disease has a mechanism similar to that of colitis. The severity of the Crohn’s would be due to a difference in the waste to be eliminated, perhaps a stronger quantity, often a more complex structure. The activation of several varieties of leukocytes and the secretion of multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines cause the release and activation of matrix metaloproteinases which degrade tissues, which can generate fistulas, cracks, large abscesses and fibrous strenosis (Shanahan 2002).
The proportion of various cells and cytokines in the infiltrate suggests a much more inflammatory than immune response (Mac Dermott et al. 1993), which is corroborated by the absence of association between Crohn and HLA and the ineffectiveness of the Ciclosporin which reduces the immune response in vain (Sandborn 1995). Crohn’s is related to the pathology of elimination and not to autoimmunity. Crohn’s is for Seignalet a giant colitis, a multifactorial pathology (bacteria and food).
In Crohn's disease, certain foods have awakened certain symptoms (diarrhea, pain), even a simple exclusion diet would have put these symptoms under the nod: it is interesting to note that cereals, milk and some cooked products appear frequently challenging for patients. And JS cites case studies carried out on his patients.
The results
The hypotoxic diet has been implemented in 99 cases of Crohn’s, but he will only retain the 72 patients for whom the decline is more than one year. The results are 62 frank success, with complete or almost complete remission, 9 more nuanced results and one single true failure. JS comment
Nutritional change can remove ulcers, micro-abscess and inflammatory granulomas; in short, the inflammatory process characteristic of the Crohn’s. But it can do nothing against certain definitive lesions, such as cracks, fistulas, macro-abscess and fibrous stenosis.
Note: See original post (in French) to have access to the whole chapter of the book of Jean Seignalet (in French). Docx.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
The main clinical signs are abdominal pain, prolonged diarrhea, the emission of bloody mucus, a possible palpable mass in the right iliac pit, moderate fever, asthenia and weight loss. Biologically, there is an accelerated ESR, increased CRP (reactive Protein-C), light anemia, leukocytosis with polynucleosis and hypo-albuminemia.
Note: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are two markers in the blood that measure levels of inflammation.
For JS, Crohn's disease has a mechanism similar to that of colitis. The severity of the Crohn’s would be due to a difference in the waste to be eliminated, perhaps a stronger quantity, often a more complex structure. The activation of several varieties of leukocytes and the secretion of multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines cause the release and activation of matrix metaloproteinases which degrade tissues, which can generate fistulas, cracks, large abscesses and fibrous strenosis (Shanahan 2002).
The proportion of various cells and cytokines in the infiltrate suggests a much more inflammatory than immune response (Mac Dermott et al. 1993), which is corroborated by the absence of association between Crohn and HLA and the ineffectiveness of the Ciclosporin which reduces the immune response in vain (Sandborn 1995). Crohn’s is related to the pathology of elimination and not to autoimmunity. Crohn’s is for Seignalet a giant colitis, a multifactorial pathology (bacteria and food).
In Crohn's disease, certain foods have awakened certain symptoms (diarrhea, pain), even a simple exclusion diet would have put these symptoms under the nod: it is interesting to note that cereals, milk and some cooked products appear frequently challenging for patients. And JS cites case studies carried out on his patients.
The results
The hypotoxic diet has been implemented in 99 cases of Crohn’s, but he will only retain the 72 patients for whom the decline is more than one year. The results are 62 frank success, with complete or almost complete remission, 9 more nuanced results and one single true failure. JS comment
Nutritional change can remove ulcers, micro-abscess and inflammatory granulomas; in short, the inflammatory process characteristic of the Crohn’s. But it can do nothing against certain definitive lesions, such as cracks, fistulas, macro-abscess and fibrous stenosis.
Note: See original post (in French) to have access to the whole chapter of the book of Jean Seignalet (in French). Docx.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
« La pratique, c’est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. »
Albert Einstein
« Dans la vie, il y a 2 catégories d'individus : ceux qui regardent le monde tel qu'il est et se demandent pourquoi; ceux qui imaginent le monde tel qu'il pourrait être et se disent : pourquoi pas ? »
G.B. Shaw.
Luc- Irrécupérable en chef
- Messages : 12683
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2015
Age : 70
Localisation : LIEGE
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